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Monday, April 22, 2019

You Are What You Eat

The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine. (Hippocrates)

Health is the actual wealth a person can have. The Healthy mind, Healthy Body and Healthy character reach to the levels of success that people wish to achieve. Personality traits comprise of all the body facts of any human. So, eating healthy is not just diet, it is a way of living what you eat, how you eat, what intervals you take after every meal, drinking habits, and much more. One cannot be healthy by starving himself, rather one must make healthy habits. Everybody wants to have healthy food and make it a habit, but we rarely do that. Because picking up your favorite fast food from Food Panda, Cheetay and Drive-Thru, is quite easy than making healthy food at home. It requires dedication, commitment and motivation. One must gather up these basic Gears to accelerate the healthy ride for our body. Because We become what we eat, and it is important to look up our food habits for our personality building.

Fast Food is fashion now-a-days, there are many harmful effects that we generally do not want to admit but these are the real things to accept. The Headache we got every single day is due to eating foods filled with sodium (present in many fast food). The depression is the by-product of eating Fast food. Bloating and puffiness is daily routine of many of us, this is because we eat sodium in huge amounts due to which our body start retaining the water resulting into bloating and puffiness. All time we see discussing things like mental illness and depression, how we have reached to this level? This is because we don’t eat healthy how could we have healthy sound minds? The people who eat fast food and bakery items are more likely to develop depression than people who do not eat those food or eat healthy.

Our Bodies are comprised of foods and drinks we put in our mouths. Plus, the oxygen that enters from our mouth and vitamin-D that we absorb from sun light all of them do affect our body and mind. It is neurons that transfer message from our minds to all the parts of the body which are responsible for our behaviors. So, in this literal sense, we are what we eat. Food-Mood connection is not a hypothetical term, but it is a real thing to remain mindful on our diet. Life is full of circumstances and our reaction to those situations. If our feelings and moods remain constantly negative and magnify with the passage of time due to poor nutrition and cause physical and emotional changes, it can become our personality. This personality deviation will now put our success at stake. Improving our diet may help to improve our mood that will help us building cordial relationships with our loved ones, give us more energy so that we can invest our energy in many productive things of life, help us think more clearly over complexities of life. Fruits, Veggies, Green tea, Dark Chocolate would elevate our mood resulting into more energy, calm, reduce stress hormones and boost greater sense of happiness.